Don't let your child go into debt for college. In 2010, almost two thirds of undergraduates borrowed money, and student-loan debt outpaced credit card debt for the first time. The College Board likes to say that a typical senior graduates with "only" $24,000 in debt, but with interest, collection charges, and penalties for postponed payments, the amounts owed can exceed $100,000. If you ever default on a federal student loan (and the rate of defaults is rising), you'll be hounded for life. Lenders can garnish your wages, intercept your tax refunds, and have your professional license revoked. You can't work for the government or collect your social security. "People have been sold this propaganda: 'The rates are so low; just get a loan,' " Dreifus says. "The long-term effect is to cripple your children."
A realistic assessment of your son or daughter's athletic talent is an important first step. This assessment will help you determine the appropriate level of play for your son or daughter at the college level. Don't rule out NAIA or NCAA Division II and III schools if they can help your child attain their academic goals. Casting a wide net will improve your child's chance of being successfully recruited.
Having a complete BIGMAN profile with our recruiting services helps maintain credibility with college coaches and makes the profiles more valuable.
Lots of great athletic and educational opportunities are available at smaller schools and many offer combinations of athletic scholarships and financial aid.